Hearing Aid Technology Levels
Hearing Aid Technology Levels
Today’s hearing aids are available in a variety of technology levels. Selecting the appropriate hearing aid technology levels is a critical part of the hearing aid purchasing process. Not all patients need or desire premium or advanced levels of technology, and excellent results can often be obtained with more basic models. However, advanced and premium hearing aids do offer significant advantages, both in hearing aid performance and warranty/service agreements. Bluetooth accessories can be purchased for all technology levels at an additional cost.
Technology Levels
Premium Hearing Aids
Choose this level of technology if you frequently attend large meetings, are very active in social events, and want the best hearing technology available. It offers comfortable listening if you lead a very active lifestyle, both indoors and outdoors. Premium hearing aids included a lifetime service warranty through our clinic, as well as three years of the following:
- In house maintenance and repair
- Manufacturer repair coverage
- Loss/Damage protection (one time only)
Advanced Hearing Aids
Choose this level of technology if you frequently attend meetings, small gatherings and areas with some background noise. It offers comfortable listening of television, as well as conversations in quiet and in areas of some background noise such as restaurants. Advanced hearing aids include a lifetime service warranty through our clinic, as well as three years of the following:
- In house maintenance and repair
- Manufacturer repair coverage
- Loss/Damage protection (one time only)
Standard Hearing Aids
Choose this level of technology if you are usually in quiet environments and occasional small groups. It offers comfortable listening of television, as well as conversations in quiet and in areas of minimal background noise. Standard hearing aids include a three year service warranty through our clinic, as well as three years of the following:
- In house maintenance and repair
- Manufacturer repair coverage
- Loss/Damage protection (one time only)
Basic Hearing Aids
Choose this level of technology if you are usually in quiet environments. It offers comfortable listening of one-on-one conversations and television in a relatively quiet area. Basic hearing aids include 3 follow-up visits to our clinic, as well as two years of the following:
- Manufacturer repair coverage
- Loss/Damage protection (one time only)
The Following Hearing Aid Manufacturers Are Available Through Our Office:
We only work with hearing aid manufacturers that have proven dependability and the most up-to-date technology. Below are the hearing aids that we use and service:
Walk-In Repair Clinic
If you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid Walk-In clinic is available on Tue from 10am -11:30am and Thurs from 1pm – 2:30pm. No appointment necessary. To make an appointment call the Hearing Center at (904) 399-0350