
Hear for the Holidays

The holidays are a great time to reconnect with the people you care about. This couldn’t be more important during the 2020 holiday season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But when you suffer from hearing loss, the holidays can be extra stressful or even isolating. Don’t let your hearing loss prevent you from enjoying…

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

The Jacksonville Hearing and Balance Institute team came together on October 29th to take a picture of everyone wearing their pink outfits in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month! See below for a link to the National Breast Cancer Foundation website.

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Congratulations Dr. Judy Nelson!

Judy Nelson, one of our physician assistants, has been a member of the Jacksonville Hearing and Balance Institute team since 2003. Her care and compassion is well-known by her patients. We are very proud to say that in addition to having more than 36 years of experience, she has recently completed her Doctor of Medical…

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Hearing Loss in the Time of Covid-19

Communication difficulties have increased since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in March with the addition of masks to everyday life. A major part of the connection that we make with others depends on our facial expressions. They are universal – a smile is a smile in every culture and language. Even those who are…

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Advancements in Bone-Anchored Hearing Technology

A bone-anchored hearing device (BAHD), also known as a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA), is made up of a surgically placed implant and a removable external processor. These devices are unique in that they send signals to your inner ear via vibrations. These vibrations are interpreted by your inner ear the same as any other sound…

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Advancements in Cochlear Implant Technology

An exciting new cochlear implant processor has been introduced by Cochlear Americas. A cochlear implant processor is the external component to a cochlear implant system. A cochlear implant is an implantable hearing device for individuals with significant hearing loss and reduced speech clarity. A cochlear implant can greatly improve your ability to communicate with friends…

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Upcoming Virtual Event: Innovative Treatment For Hearing Loss

WHEN: Wednesday, July 8, 202012:00 pm – 1:00 pm Learn what’s new in the world of hearing loss treatment.Hearing aid REMOTE PROGRAMMING is here, too! Make an appointment for your summer discount now! Dr. Green, accompanied by Kelly Eaton, Aud, CCC-A, Ryan Funderburk, Aud, CCC-A, & Mike Johnson, ReSound GN, will discuss where we’ve been,…

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Walk-In Repair Clinic

Walk-In Repair ClinicIf you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid Walk-In clinic is available on Tue from 10am -11:30am and Thurs from 1pm – 2:30pm. No appointment necessary. To make an appointment call the Hearing Center at (904) 399-0350

Jacksonville Hearing And Balance Institute
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